I thought it'd be a fun project. Wasn't until later that I realized I have Rock Band for the Xbox 360, not Guitar Hero. As it turns out though, happy ending: They both work. Here's the steps I went thought following the directions on the Fretbuzz page (my experience was slightly different than what their directions say)
- First, my Rock Band guitar wasn't recognized by my PC after plugging it into the USB port. After doing the obligatory Google search, I found I could download drivers for it here. Restarted computer. Checked under Start -> Control Panel -> Game Controllers, and my 'Harmonix Guitar for Xbox 360'was recognized.
- Went to The Guitar Zero's web site, and downloaded the Fretbuzz code, and started following the directions on its download page:
- Went to download (via the Fretbuzz page link) the Max\MSP software, but that link took me to the latest release. Fretbuzz says it wants the older version 4.6.3. I found that here under -> Older Max Windows Versions -> then downloaded 'Max/MSP 4.6.3 with documentation'. Installed after download in default location. (maybe the latest version does work, but I didn't want to jump through the hoops if it didn't)
- Downloaded the version of PeRColate from the Fretbuzz site, and followed the Fretbuzz site directions for installing it. They're right, the readme.rft that comes with the .zip is a bit confusing.
- Restarted my machine again per request by Max\MSP.
- Launched the runtime of Max\MSP (C:\Program Files\Cycling '74\MaxMSP 4.6\MaxRT.exe), and opened the specified file buzz_360.pat based on where I'd saved tghe Fretbuzz code. Clicked on the "Help Meee" button, and configured my guitar.
- Started playing!